While a new handbag may not change the world it can change the way you look and dress. Women always are seeking the perfect accessory to carry the things they need. Having a spectacular handbag can speak volumes to those around you.
These accessories were a necessary evil since women did not have the pockets to carry with them the items they used throughout the day. Their wallets, keys, lipsticks, and necessities need a place that would allow women to easily bring them wherever they went. That is why this item was created. Who knew it would become more than just a carry all.
What you carry with you says more than simply, "This is where I put my stuff." While that is the handbag's function it is not the only job it has. Today a woman's purse is like a business card letting others know what her style is. This is a big job for a small accessory.
Before you pick a bag you need to know what it must do. You already have examples of what you don't want in the handbags left at the bottom of your closet. So use those discarded bags to figure out what you need in a daily purse. If you can't stand searching for items all day then the bucket bag is not your choice. Of if you hate having to fidget with straps then make sure you find something that stays on your shoulder. Either way you need to find a practical way to keep the things you need at your disposal.
If it is simply a handbag for a night out then you have a little more leeway and probably will give up function for style. A bag that you use to go out has more glamour and glitz and usually is quite a bit smaller than your daytime purse. The use of rhinestones, gold beading, and sequins add a bit of glitz to your nighttime wardrobe and carries on the minimal accessories like lipstick and some cash.
Finding the right handbag means fitting the styling with the practical. A bag that has a lot of pockets is wonderful for keeping items in place and organized so you can find them. Or perhaps find a purse that has compartments that keep those items separated and easy to locate. If the bag has the things you need then it will become a staple that you love and not irritate you on a daily basis.
Think about color also when choosing the handbag. Think about what colors pervade your wardrobe and settle on a neutral shade to go with everything you own. Most of the time black, brown, grey, and taupe are suitable to be used with most colors. This means you will not have to shift the contents of your bag often and can simply have one handbag that goes with everything.
But the new handbag you choose will not only be your everyday tote but also a quick glimpse into your own personal style. Therefore, take a chance and add some brightness with a splash of red, yellow or even orange. These colors will send a shock wave through your daily wardrobe and allow for some fun with your function. Remember that outlet stores are great places to find affordable bags that will let you take some style chances while carrying your daily necessities.