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There's so much out there and the weather's been so difficult in most parts of the country that it happens (allergies) and you don't even know it. Venezuela. i found a cheap ay to grow indoors for like 4 plants but deck out ya closet and foil it up and grab 3 flood lights clear globes preferred that pump out 500 to 1000 watts seems to be doing my plants real well the set up only cost me 100 bux i get mad buds all year round and all u need is a open window and a heater / fan works like a charm and banana skins is great for the potassium intake and spring water they love so its always handy to buy a load of bottled water flush the plants out every 3 weeks add some mirical grow keep lights on em 24/7 then 2 weeks befor harvest change the light cycle to 8 hours a day the plant will force bud and and then on the last week b4 harvest change the light cycle to 12/12 ut freaks it out a little but yeah from excpierience i was getting more buds out of it that way and if you want leave it for a A week or 2 in complete darkness then cunt trim cur youll have mad smoke i heard that addinig cinnomon will give ya plant a mad smoke never tried it but if any one dose tell me about it cause i wanna know if it works i might do a few cinno plants donw the track replica louis vitton.

