Replicas louis vuitton 4 Ways To Spot A Fake Louis Vuitton
You can Buy Authentic Louis Vuitton items on ebay as long as you do some research. In this article I will go through 4 ways to ensure you're not getting the short end of replicas louis vuitton the stick!
Know the company: Louis Vuitton has been around since 1854.
Louis Vuitton does not have any outlets or secondaries. If you find a problem with a LV bag they will usually accept returns. They do not Hand the bag down to replicas louis vuitton an outlet, they simply destroy the bag.
Know the person selling the items:
NEGATIVE FEEDBACK SELLERS- Well obviously if they are getting a large amount of negative feed back on ebay, they are more than likely selling fakes. Never a good thing.
PRIVATE FEEDBACK SELLERS- Why would anyone want to keep their feedback private? The only ones that have replicas louis vuitton something to hide are the ones who have negative feedback, usually when I see these I just pass on by.
ZERO FEEDBACK replicas louis vuitton SELLERS- People that have Zero feedback are obviously the new customers replicas louis vuitton ebay replicas louis vuitton has recruited. A lot replicas louis vuitton of times you can wait for a period of time and see how they progress. It really is up to you if you want to give them a try. Just remember its your hard earned money.
While on ebay, do not be afraid to email the seller asking them for pictures of the front, back,sides, lining, anything you can come up with. Not too long ago, a good friend of mine briefly spoke with a louis vuitton representative. She was told a really easy way to spot a fake Louis Vuitton is to look at the outer seams of a purse. A real Louis Vuitton purse will not have the "LV" initials shortened in any way, so if you see a Louis Vuitton purse selling for hundreds, replicas louis vuitton but the seam you only see a half or cut off "LV" Do Not Buy It! Unless you want a fake replicas louis vuitton.