
Toddler Care

Toddler Care

Toddler Childcare Whether you're going back to work or just going out for the evening, finding quality childcare is a critical concern for every parent. We can help you evaluate the pros, cons, and costs of a variety of childcare options including babysitters, daycare centers, home daycare, nanny care, and relative care to find the solution that works best for you and your family. Backup childcare How to plan for the times your childcare falls through Childcare chart The pros, cons, and costs of six childcare options Don't MissChoosing and using a babysitterHow much you'll spend on childcareChildcare provider daily diaryDaycare centers: An overviewPoll: How satisfied are you with your childcare? Childcare Basics Start here to learn the basics of childcare, including a detailed comparison of childcare options and their typical cost. Find out what to keep in mind when choosing a sitter, get ideas for where to find one, learn how much other parents typically pay, and discover the signs of a bad babysitter. The trick is finding a quality daycare center that can take good care of your child. But nanny care is expensive and may mean drawing up a contract and becoming a legal employer. See what's involved, and learn about similar options like nanny shares and au pairs. But relative care presents its own set of challenges. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

