
A Different Picture Of Heart Disease

Women's Issues Articles cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags

Natural Alternative To Hormone Replacement Thereapy (HRT)
When women eneter the menopause, most are invariably prescribed hormone replacement treatment (HRT). However, medical research has concluded that these drugs can increase the incidence of breast and other cancers and there is a natural alternative.
One of the problems that women face is a blood sugar. There are number of factors that can cause high blood sugar levels. With some dietary changes and a little help from supplements you can achieve a healthy blood sugar levels in your body.
By: Alex Syrov
A Different Picture Of Heart Disease
In Feb 2006, researchers reported that many women suffer from a fundamentally different heart disease from men and is easily missed from standard tests.
Many women are afraid or embarrassed to have mammograms. I help women understand the test and make them feel more comfortable with it. I believe it would be in the public interest to make this information more widely available as mammograms are the gold standard in the early detection of breast cancer. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :

