
who are in alignment with their destiny

5 Fundamental Skills for the Home Based Female Entrepreneur

Women of the world are becoming more empowered to create financial independence. They are reinventing themselves discovering how to leverage their time, money and expertise. The female entrepreneur knows what she wants for herself, her family and her community and will not settle for less. Women have so many hats to wear throughout their day while managing their households as well as their businesses. The sooner one can identify with the mental limitations and self sabotaging behaviors that limit progress the quicker your momentum will begin moving in the direction you are determined to travel. Know what your goals are for you and your family and know why you are doing what you do. Identifying your greater purpose or your 搘hy?will be what motivates you to get out of bed each day!
Entrepreneurial women practice proper mental hygiene and put themselves in the way of success. When you work from home, run your business as if you are running a multi-million dollar company in a different building. Creating an office space will provide you a 揼et away?where you are not being distracted from laundry, dishes, or children when you are working. Make a schedule with your significant other regarding work times and play times so everyone is on board. Be aware of any and all distractions and find a way to resolve the obstacles they pose on your productivity.
The entrepreneurial female will make certain that when work is scheduled, that is the priority unless of course an emergency arises. When it抯 play time, family relations are the priority. Write down all of the goals that you have for you and your family, all of the things you want to do and places you want to go. Include on your list how you want to help others whether it be family, friends, service providers in your community or global causes. This will be the road map that guides you.
A disciplined woman working from home establishes routines and rituals that keep her focused on her goals. She learns the art of visualization seeing her life with all that she is creating as if it is already there. Purposeful, inspirational, motivational reminders are deliberately put in place to maintain focus on the ultimate freedom that the female entrepreneur is creating. As female entrepreneurs we must learn to free ourselves of the emotional baggage that has weighed us down throughout history. Instead of dwelling on what doesn抰 work right in our lives, we must instead look for solutions and strategies to overcome them. Recognize the gift you have been given when you are faced with a challenge. Remember, nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it. So make sure you consciously choose the meanings that are most in alignment with the destiny you've chosen for yourself.
Women, who are in alignment with their destiny, no longer take things personally or let emotions control their lives. They are in control and take ownership for the choices they make.
Inspiring female entrepreneurs can change circumstances into opportunities. Their story is an epic masterpiece in celebration of life. HotNews0829:

