
Want your own private cloud

Digital Faxing Solutions

There are several service providers that offer faxing solutions via email, which can lower your company overhead costs by switching from a standalone fax machine and phone line to a digital faxing solution. This also eliminates the cost of fax machine paper, ink, equipment and repairs. nnA digital faxing solution can also save you time by faxing documents right from your computer. It also eliminates the frustration of missing faxes when you away from the machine or when the line is busy. You also have the convenience of having your faxes already online should you need to forward them to your coworker or for quick accessibility through your mobile device or laptop when you on the road. With the plan you receive a fax number in your local area code. You then download and install the FaxSend application in order to send and receive faxes to and from your PC. Intermedia delivers all incoming faxes to your inbox in PDF format so you don't need any specialized software to view your faxes. TheWHIR is an iNET Interactive property. The hosted services industry More
Read The Digital Edition
October 2011 - The Killer Business Model
In pursuit of some inspiration for your killer business model, we sought out some of the really cool things being done in the hosting space by providers trying to stand out from the crowd. They not all huge companies yet, but they all got some really interesting ideas, and more importantly, they looking at innovating in a way that could inspire some really original thinking from you.
Read The Digital Edition
July 2011 - Understanding Small Business
In creating this issue of WHIR magazine, we provide a series of profiles to illustrate in great detail the variety in small business IT needs, and the hosting relationships that develop out of those needs.
Read The Digital Edition
iWeb: Smart Servers Launch Promotion; 10,000GB Traffic Included, From Only $99/mo
R1Soft: CloudCopy, the affordable way to offer cloud backup services to your customers.
FireHost: Cloud environment like no other. Secure, scalable, fully managed. 100% uptime. 24/7 support.
OnApp: Building the next AWS? Want your own private cloud? Get started with the free version of OnApp Cloud. A complete cloud platform, completely free.

