Why authentic Louis Vuitton Bags make a bigger impression than Fake Louis Bags
The cascading effect that is created every time you or anybody else buys a replica Louis Vuitton is felt in departments you would never think of associating counterfeits with. People are now learning to spot replica LV. There are so many forums online where people post tips on how to distinguish an authentic Louis Vuitton from a cheap knock offs. Before paying out good money for a replica Vuitton ask yourself why you want one in the first place. Is it because you want a good handbag or because you want to impress others? Whatever the case may be, replicas don't serve the purpose. If you are looking for a good bag that does not cost as much as LV there are plenty of authentic businesses out there selling good if not perfect bags. With all the awareness campaigns going on urging people to learn to recognize replica Louis Vuitton, do you think you will impress anybody?
Selling is Illegal Manufacturing replica LV is illegal on so many levels. To combat a situation that is rapidly spinning out of control, now buying replicas too is considered illegal in many countries. You could get arrested and thrown in jail if you are caught buying a replica LV. On top of this you could be heavily fined too. This would be a severe set- back on your financial situation. It is hoped that if the demand for replicas is severely curtailed, the whole counterfeiting racket could be brought down. Customs officials too, are on the look for for replicas. Don't carry your replicas when you travel abroad. You could land in a soup in a strange land with no one to help you. :